Tuesday, 30 December 2014

Harmonize – One of the Best Pro-Biotic Supplement for Horses

Like human beings, animals too, need proper care,  a good environment, and above all the foods that  have significant impact on their health . And as an owner, to ensure a better health of your animals it is your responsibility to provide your animal with the best care along foods containing all essential elements.

Harmonize is one of the best pro-biotic supplements for horses packed with vital components that have significant impact on the health of horses. Made of high quality ingredients selected with what a horse needs to remain fit and healthy, this supplement works wonders in healing horse colic and ulcers, one of the most common diseases a horse has. Add it to the daily diet of your horse and keep it away from what makes a horse weaker.

The supplement has been made from ingredients having natural healing properties that help your horse fight several diseases including  gastric ulcers, horse colic, diarrhea and other digestive upset. The benefits of this supplement are numerous. From improving the glow and strength of the horse mane to increasing the hardness of hooves. It contains prebiotics, probiotics, anti-oxidants, organic trace minerals, Vitamin E, A, D, Thiamine and Biotin, which makes the Harmonize one of the best ulcer medicines for horses and it is recommended to be top dressed with the usual grain or complete feed, or with hay twice every day. One can also make use of  Aloe vera which is rich in digestible fiber and has the capability of reducing intestinal transit time. It is also effective in regulating colonic bacteria and safeguarding the digestive system.

Wednesday, 3 December 2014

Make Use of the Best Ulcer Medication for Horses

All those who have a horse with them, should do a well planned care of them which will ensure that their horse lives a healthier and a longer life. They should consider all aspects of horse care that will affect their health and well-being. The adult horses should be taken for a complete veterinary examination at least once every year. Horses older than 20 years old should go for a check up atleast twice a year or even more depending on their physical fitness. This is because older horses are more prone to illnesses which can be checked sooner and proper treatment can be done on time. The owner should regularly monitor signs of illness during their daily feeding and grooming. The main symptoms that show that they are unwell include a loss of appetite, frequent coughing, sneezing and diarrhea. Sometimes there is also a discharge from their eyes or nose. As the illness grow, they may also show loss of hair or itchy areas on the skin, reluctance to move or at times head bobbing. Proper care of their nutrition should also be taken regularly.

Ulcer medication for horses

There are different kinds of ulcer medication for horses, mainly to decrease acid production, to neutralize the acid which is produced and lastly to protect the lining of the stomach from the harmful effects of different acids. H2 blockers are often used as a medication as they block the action of histamine.

Ulcer supplements for horses

There are a number of ulcer supplements available that can be used to treat ulcers effectively in horses. They can also be purchased online at affordable prices.